Best Life

Naura Agustina
1 min readMay 26, 2022

“There is no guarantee that this life is easy.”

Milley Cyrus song lyrics that loop on repeat in my head whenever things become tough. This is hard, but that’s life.

Every day, we faced a plethora of things to decide. As a consequence of our missteps, we often suffer from regret and despair. However, the future is not ours to see, yet. We have no idea what it will be like until it becomes today.

It’s human to regret and suffer, but we can choose to not go down with the ship. There’s still so much for us to learn, as not everyone has the chance to deal with the same mistakes. Everything happens for a reason. It’s already been our portion to have, and it’s fully our responsibility to discover what it brings.

It’s such a great thing that we have made this far. It’s sometimes unbelievable that we can still survive. And that’s us, the bravest souls who have chosen to withstand the suffering.

There are still so many days to come, as there are still so many things to be grateful for. Let’s just keep on moving and living. It may not be the best life by human standards, but it’s the only one we have. And whatever it takes, let’s make it our own version of the best life.

